Monday, October 12, 2009

Hold the Onions!

Today's email from Yoga Journal's "Eating Wisely" columnist reminded me of how tough it can be to eat vegetarian... when there are vegetables that you HATE. I know, I know-HATE is a strong word, and I rarely use it. When it comes to onions, however, I can't emphasize it enough! Luckily for me, onions are easy to omit when you are cooking at home. And when it comes to eating out, well, a simple request to the kitchen usually does the trick.

On the other hand, I also really dislike mushrooms! Today's offering from YJ's column included two mushrooms recipes... which is no big deal, I get to skip over them. However, many people assume that because you're not eating a "regular" burger at the restaurant or barbecue, that a portobello mushroom burger is EXACTLY what you've been waiting for! Uh, wrong! Anyway, just like anything else, I have gotten used to finding something else, or being okay with a garden salad until I get home.

What if what you hate though, is tofu? Or broccoli? Or peanuts? An ingredient, that to me, would seem hard to replace, whether for taste or nutrient's-sake? Have you found a suitable stand-in? Or are you still looking? Share your stories of dislike, and maybe we can all brainstorm together...

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